
Episode 021 Rachel Luna: Best Selling Author, International Speaker and Sales Confidence Mindset Strategist -021

In this episode you’ll learn: 

  • How the power of decision can transform you into who you aspire to be vs who you’ve been conditioned to be
  • Stuck in any area of your life? Learn how to take advantage of the compound effect
  • How to set yourself up to win consistently by harnessing the power of small victories
  • Why one of the most common pieces of entrepreneurial advice is also one of the worst
  • The difference between your purpose vs your life purpose
  • Why the thing you’re resisting most in your life, can often be what gives you the quickest breakthrough
  • The real meaning of legacy
  • The difference between facts and stories , and the power each can have over literally shaping your entire life
  • The one thing that keeps people from true confidence

These show notes don’t do this episode justice – Rachel Luna is absolute fire. This episode will give you goosebumps and you’ll immediately become a fan of hers just like I did. 

This episode went long at 25 minutes and I loved every minute of it. I know you will too! 

Download the episode here


You can find out more about Rachel here:

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